Business Law

Helping Local Business Owners Succeed

The Meier Law Firm enjoys the role of trusted advisor to many local business owners. We assist small and family-owned businesses across the region in the areas of creation, expansion, succession, and dissolution. We fulfill the role of outside General Counsel by offering legal guidance on LLCs, contract language, employment issues, and scope of duties of shareholders, directors, and managers.

Meier Law Firm is skilled in the legal matters essential to business owners, such as the drafting and amending of Shareholder By-Laws, Buy-Sell Agreements, and LLC Operating Agreements. We have experience in LLCs created for ownership of real estate for rental purposes and family camps, professionals looking to properly protect personal assets, Homeowners Associations, and entrepreneurs, especially minority and women-owned businesses who may qualify for M/WBE certification.

In the event litigation skills are required to pursue a claim or defend a business in a lawsuit, we have the experience to represent clients through all phases of the process.

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