Estate Litigation

Estate Litigation: When Complications Arise

Unexpected complications sometimes arise as you work to settle a loved one’s estate. Someone may challenge the validity of a Last Will and Testament; there may be accusations of fraud by the executor or administrator, or they may not distribute assets in a timely manner. A Will contest or any type of estate litigation, if not resolved quickly, can rapidly diminish the remaining assets of an estate.

What is Estate Litigation?

Estate litigation refers to a dispute that arises during the estate administration process or over the administration of a deceased person’s estate.

What type of matters involve Probate/Estate Litigation?

  • Will contests;

  • Estate administration disputes;

  • Claims against an Estate;

  • Breach of fiduciary duties;

  • Executor fee disputes;

  • Formal and informal accountings;

  • Spousal elective share;

  • Guardianship disputes;

  • Trustee removals;

  • And more.

The Estate Administration process can be overwhelming — and even more so when conflicts arise. If you are facing a conflict during estate administration, it’s essential to have a knowledgeable litigation attorney by your side who can advocate on your behalf and protect your rights. At Meier Law Firm, we can work with you to help settle the Estate and resolve the conflicts that may be preventing the distribution of Estate assets.

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