Real Estate

Achieving and Protecting Your Real Estate Goals

When entering into a real estate transaction, a lawyer isn’t always the first thing on your mind. However, an experienced real estate attorney will help ensure that the transaction goes smoothly when buying or selling real property. Whether it’s your first home, fifth home, vacation home, or investment property, chances are you are making a substantial and long-term financial commitment. As such, it’s important that you understand your rights under the contract, what your obligations are to the other party, and what you can do if structural, financial, or title issues arise. Before you buy or sell real estate, call Meier Law Firm, PLLC.

Additionally, for unmarried couples, purchasing real property together can be as exciting as it is daunting and in many ways it's getting married at the closing table—you're intertwining your lives in a significant and financially impactful way. Unlike marriage, if your relationship ends, there are no clear cut laws on how to divide this asset. Because of this, we encourage our unmarried clients to have a well-thought-out written agreement in place which addresses the disposition of real property in the event the relationship terminates, before you reach that closing table. As with most things, it’s easier to come to an agreement while you’re getting along, rather than when a relationship is ending.

The Meier Law Firm will confidently assist you with:

  • Purchase and Sale of Residential Real Estate

  • Purchase and Sale of Commercial Real Estate

  • Title Insurance

  • Title Problem Resolution

Contact Us to Schedule a Consultation